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Municipal Pool Technology
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Floating experience for body and soul Ospa FloatingSpa

Stress, hectic rush, over-stimulation? The ideal answer for this is the new wellness trend: floating – float weightlessly in warm salt water and unwind. Pure relaxation. The specialized Ospa salt water system provides for the fully automatic filling and draining of the floating pool and the preparation of the water. In doing so, the salt water concentration is fully automatically monitored by Ospa-BlueControl®.

Float above it all

While the salt content in normal salt water pools is usually
0.4 - 2%, the concentration in the floating pool
is higher than in the Dead Sea. As a result, the body
becomes weightless. The warm salt water
comfortably relieves the body's temperature
management. In addition, complete rest
and darkness contribute to deep relaxation.

Medicinal effect

Floating is now used in high performance athletics due to the shorter regeneration phases for the body.
Positive reports on floating applications can also be found in pain therapy and for functional spinal column complaints.


  • Systems are suitable for single or dual applications
  • Without floating tank, custom room design with open pool possible
  • Salt water does not have to be replaced
  • Shorter treatment cycle enables high occupancy rate
  • Convenient, fully automatic control of water treatment with Ospa BlueControl®
  • Highly hygienic, germ-free, clear salt water


  • Circulation pump
  • Single-layer filter
  • Heater
  • Measurement and control technology with density measurement
  • Disinfection
  • pH value control
  • Salt water storage and preparation system
  • Control cabinet with frequency converter
  • Ospa BlueControl® Pilot

Try it out now

We can tell you a lot about floating. But it’s much better to experience floating for yourself. At Floatup in Schwäbisch Gmünd, you can try out and enjoy Ospa's modern facilities live.

For more information, visit www.floatup.de.

Ospa-water features

For your wellness oasis